
祝伟龙 Jacob Zhu


Founder & CEO

埃尔坡创始人兼CEO,民航新型智库(ATT)专家,致力于机场商 业数字化转型和机场资产证券化。十多年来一直服务于民航业, 为机场客户提供航空与非航空业务战略、商业发展规划、服务品 牌提升等咨询服务。他服务过的机场客户遍及亚太、欧洲和非 洲,包括首都机场、上海机场、广州机场、深圳机场、昆明机 场、杭州机场、贵阳机场、沈阳机场、大连机场、合肥机场、桂 林机场等国内各类机场,以及阿姆斯特丹史基浦机场和安哥拉罗 安达机场等境外机场。在推动机场商业数字化转型过程中,设计 的机场商业资源的数字化管理平台 ACAMP成功应用于国内多个 机场,已成为该领域的唯一成熟产品。他在《中国民航报》、《空运商务》、民航新型智库等媒体撰写 多篇文章,也长期为行业投资基金、证券机构、免税集团等提供 行业见解。

Jacob Zhu is the Founder & CEO of AIRPO and an expert at ATT. Jacob is committed to bringing substantial change to airport industry, namely, airport commerce digital transformation and airport asset securitization. With a decade of airport consulting experience, Jacob has provided his airport customers with both aviation and non-aviation business strategy, business development planning, airport service brand upgrade and other consulting services. Jacob has served airport clients in Asia Pacific, Europe and Africa, including domestic airports located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Kunming, Hangzhou, Guiyang, Shenyang, Dalian, Hefei, and Guilin, as well as overseas airports such as Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and Quatro de Fevereiro International Airport. In his process of promoting the digital transformation of airport commerce, Jacob has designed Airport Commercial Assent Management Platform (ACAMP), which has been successfully applied in many domestic airports and has become the only mature product in the field. Jacob has written many articles in China Civil Aviation News, Civil Aviation Business, Aviation Think Tank and other media, as well as provided industry insights for investment funds, securities institutions and tax-free groups.

王继峰Fowler Wang


王继峰先生为埃尔坡合伙人兼首席市场总监。 自2005年进入民航业后,他一直深耕民航各个板块,包括机场商业、旅客自助服务、货运等,曾在美国财富500强公司负责民航行业软硬件一体化产品的市场管理和开发,熟悉离港、CUSS等民航系统,服务过的客户包括东航、国航、深航、山航等航空公司和上海、北京、深圳、广州、重庆、昆明等机场。

Fowler Wang is a partner and Chief Marketing Officer of AIRPO. Since he entered the civil aviation industry in 2005, he has been deeply involved in various sectors of civil aviation, including airport business, passenger self-service, freight transportation etc. He used to coordinate the market management and development of integrated hardware and software products in a Fortune 500 company in American aviation industry. He is familiar with the civil aviation systems such as departure and CUSS. The customers he has served include China Eastern Airlines, Air China, Shenzhen Airlines, Shandong Airlines and other aviation companies in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Kunming.

李瀚明Jason Lee




Mr. Jason Lee is a partner and Chief Technical Officer of AIRPO. After graduating from the University of Illinois in the United States, he has designed data analysis solutions for airlines and airports in Japan and the United States. He has also produced articles for the Financial Times, South China Morning Post, China Civil Aviation News and other media outlets, offering his insights into the civil aviation industry.



Head of Digitalization Business Department



Mr. L.M graduates with an MBA degree from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He has more than 10 years of experience in civil aviation. He has served as the principal of aviation, business and data positions, and holds CAAC and FAA flight assignment licenses. Currently, he is the head of the Digital Division in AIRPO, focusing on using digital means to improve the performance of airport business and the quality of management and decision-making.

羊思南Shanon Yang


Head of Capitalization Business Department



Ms. Shanon Yang graduated from the University of Sydney with an integrated background in computer and finance. Currently she is in charge of the capitalization department of AIRPO, she focuses on the capitalization and securitization reform of the airport and is committed to achieve the marketization of airport capital operation, thus providing multiple options for airport capitalization operation.

刘晨玮Elijah Liu


Head of R&D and Marketing


拥有经济、法律、政治和心理学跨学科专业背景,毕业于 荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学。现任埃尔坡 研发和营销中心负责人,专注于机场战略、数字化和商业经营等领域,为埃尔坡各业务板块提供专业支持。

Mr. Elijah Liu graduated from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands with an interdisciplinary background in economics, law, politics and psychology. Currently, he is the head of R&D and Marketing Center in AIRPO, focusing on airport strategy, digitalization and commercial operations, providing professional support to all business segments of AIRPO.

卞蒙卉Chloe Bian


Brand Consultant



Ms. Chloe graduated from University of the Arts London with a bachelor degree in Brand Strategic Management. She has managed numerous brand, marketing and product planning projects, and has rich experience in the field of brand strategy. She works as a brand consultant for AIRPO, and is committed to providing airport customers with more refined products and service experience.

岳娉孜Aurora Yue

咨询顾问 · Consultant




Ms. Aurora graduates from the University of Amsterdam in Netherlands and studied at the University of Toronto in Canada, with a bachelor degree in Economics and Business Economics. She focuses on airport digitalization, capitalization strategy and marketing. She has the experience of participating in multiple AIRPO’s business-related consultancies for several airports.